We receive the referrals from either the Doctor’s Office or Pharmacy as a patient referral through our integrated platform.
Once a nurse is identified and acknowledged, we prepare all the documentation required and engage all stakeholders – Patient, Nurse, Pharmacy and Doctor and put together a plan.
Our system will schedule an initial visit by our Nurse or Case Manager.
On the first visit, the Nurse or the Case Manager sits down with the patient and thoroughly go over the plan and go over any documentation that requires an e-signature.
The nurse reviews the doctor’s orders and hardens the care plan with the patient answering any questions that the patient has.
If treatment plan requires multiple visits, the nurse triggers a process to notify the pharmacy of the schedule of the next visit to make sure the medication is available and delivered at the right time; cycle is repeated until the plan come to its conclusion or the doctor stops the plan.
We receive the referrals from either the Doctor’s Office or Pharmacy as a patient referral through our integrated platform.
Depending on the therapy required, we conduct a search for the most qualified nurse nearest to the patient.
Once a nurse is identified and acknowledged, we prepare all the documentation required and engage all stakeholders – Patient, Nurse, Pharmacy and Doctor and put together a plan.
Our system will schedule an initial visit by our Nurse or Case Manager.
On the first visit, the Nurse or the Case Manager sits down with the patient and thoroughly go over the plan and go over any documentation that requires an e-signature.
The nurse reviews the doctor’s orders and hardens the care plan with the patient answering any questions that the patient has.
Once consent is given by the patient, the nurse proceeds to provide the infusion service.
Using our paperless system, the nurse submits the Nurses Note through our platform and stories the note on the patient file and the physician and pharmacy gets notified.
Once consent is given by the patient, the nurse proceeds to provide the infusion service.
Using our paperless system, the nurse submits the Nurses Note through our platform and stories the note on the patient file and the physician and pharmacy gets notified.
If treatment plan requires multiple visits, the nurse triggers a process to notify the pharmacy of the schedule of the next visit to make sure the medication is available and delivered at the right time; cycle is repeated until the plan come to its conclusion or the doctor stops the plan.
On the last day of the therapy, the system prepares a report and all stakeholders are notified.
Most agencies consist of small businesses that don’t necessary have all the means to …. Therefore partnering organizations bear the cost of engaging and enforcing a uniform standard of measure to keep patient quality up to par.
State to State Regulations and Compliance makes it difficult….
overhead for most partnering organization and costly and intensive
NURSEPLEXUS™ offers a “nurse-patient engagement” centric system that makes is easy for nurses to be
In A Highly Competitive And Constrained Environment To Find Good Nurses, Our Streamlined Processes To Find ….
to give nurses, agencies and healthcare providers the ability to
collaborate on one easy to use digital platform from managing
patient referrals, managing documentation, to …. Using an OPEN API architecture.
This all comes together through our HIPAA-Compliant
and highly-integrated
digital platform that we call NURSEPLEXUS™
A Digital Platform that connects Patients, Nurses, Agencies, Pharmacies, Doctors and other healthcare providers to collaborate for the best patient care experience.
Phone: (630) 912-4565
Email : info@nurseplexus.com
Nurseplexus™ is a trademark owned and registered by AgileRN LLC (operator of nurseplexus.com) © 2024. All rights reserved.